#62: Change Is Constant: Behind the Scenes of Mary’s Next Chapter

This week I’m sharing a behind the scenes look at my next chapter… where I’ve been and where I’m going. It’s not always easy to share these types of reflections so I brought on my dear friend, Julia Weigert, to interview me in this process. We had a lot of fun and Julia asked a lot of great questions (that I didn’t know ahead of time!). 

Tune in to this extra special episode and hear more about what I’ve learned in my own transformation process - body wisdom, stress, how the mind plays tricks on us and when it’s time to go for it (whatever IT is). My hope is that you feel supported for where you are on your journey and that you realize you are not alone. 

Interview by Julia Weigert of Soul Wisdom

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Episode Transcript

Mary Clavieres  00:05

Hello, and welcome to change from within. I'm your host, Mary Clavieres. This podcast is here to help you uncover your unique path to living your most aligned life. Today, I have a fun, different type of episode for you. I have a dear friend of mine here with me, Julia, and she is going to interview me, the tables are turning, and she's interviewing me, so that I can share with you more about my own personal transformation and kind of what's been going on with me. But I didn't feel quite so comfortable to just talk about that out of the blue on a solo episode, I thought it would be more fun and more interesting to have it conversational style. Or even, you know, a bit of an interview of Julie asking me some questions while I was talking to her about this. And she volunteered. She's like, Oh, I can ask you the questions. And I was like, great. Actually, I think Julia you, you mentioned something about asking me questions. And I was like, Oh, that's a great idea, because I had just been thinking about this too. Anyway, all of that to say Julia is here with me. Hi, Julia.

Julia Weigert  01:18

Hi, Mary. Hi, everyone. Happy to be here.

Mary Clavieres  01:22

You're going to hear more from Julia, we recorded an interview together about her work in her business, which is so amazing, and all about sacred travel. So that's coming up. Also in a few weeks. So stay tuned. For Julia has graciously agreed to interview me. And yeah, asked me some questions about what I've been up to what's coming up. Because I do also have, you may have seen or heard in, in the last couple of episodes around alignment, a framework for living your most aligned life getting unstuck, and a new program that I have coming up around all of this. So we'll chat a little bit about that too, later on. But really to just show a little bit of the behind the scenes, and a little bit of what I've been going through in case it also helps you for wherever you are on your journey, because I feel that this work is very important. A lot of what I do is trial and error and seeing what works and what doesn't and then sharing it back with you. So that's kind of all of what's going into this. And yeah, I'm excited. Oh, and also so I don't know, the questions. I didn't send her questions beforehand. And she was like, Do you want to send me questions? Or how do you want to go about it, which was great, Julie, I appreciate that. You were like following up and me? I'm like, Oh, I don't know. I don't know. It's okay. So I don't know the questions. But we did just talk about okay, directionally. I'll just share some of my stories. And so I don't know what's coming. But I feel that it's a little easier for me to respond in the moment. Yeah, when I don't know in advance, because then it's I'm not over preparing or something. In this case, not really preparing at all. That's okay. It's gonna be great. And Julia's probably sitting here thinking, you could have just done this as a solo, because you're talking so much already.

Julia Weigert  03:20

This is about you.

Mary Clavieres  03:22

that's true. That's true. Yeah. But still, Okay, shall we get started?

Julia Weigert  03:28

Yeah, absolutely. And thank you for giving this little intro, I am super excited to be here and to be able to interview you, because I find it's quite a unique, you know, opportunity to get to interview the host, which you're right. Usually you have so many guests and speak about their journey. But then you don't get to share so much of your own journey. And I know that you have developed this simple yet very, very impactful framework and program. And so it's an honor also to peek behind the scenes with you and let the listeners know of Yeah, how this came to be. And so my first question would be to have you share a little bit about what inspired you to develop this framework, which actually, to me, it sounds like a collection of your most magical tools that you have acquired on your journey? Oh,

Mary Clavieres  04:24

my goodness. Yes. That's a great question. And yes, it is the most magical tools for my journey. That's, that's such a fun way to put it. I'm going to bookmark that in my brain. Thank you, Julia. Yeah, so basically, what's happened is, I've been I mean, over such a long period, but definitely, in the most recent years, and of course, with moving to France was a whole process as well, that I've been on my journey, a transformational journey, which I think everyone is in their own ways, right? In my case. I'm leaving my corporate job starting my own business. I'm eventually moving to France, like all of these different things have been very pivotal in my life. And all the while I've been kind of learning and seeing and practicing and experimenting with different tools, and different ways to do things and how to really challenge my own beliefs, so that I can grow. I think the mind is such an incredible thing. I mean, really, the mind and the body are both so deeply fascinating to me. So part of doing this program is because I had this realization that, okay, I'm taking all these different things that I've done over time, and also my interests and understanding now of the mind and the body. And putting that into a framework that helps people to actually, yeah, actually make changes, because I think so much of the time, we can get stuck. There's so many things that keep us stuck our own fears, our limiting beliefs, like, what our brains tell us what our bodies are afraid for us to do, you know, all those kinds of things. And I personally feel like my experiences and what I'm sharing are ways to help people get unstuck from those things, in ways that feel right to them, because I don't believe that there's a one size fits all approach to anything. It's really based on each individual. And I really also believe that everyone deserves to live a life that they really want to live, we shouldn't all just be waking up and kind of sleeping and going through the motions, right. So compiling all of that, I'm basically the thing that I'm working on, and that I'm excited about is around, putting all of that together, putting my experiences together, what I've learned how I've had different breakthroughs, tools that you can use to connect your mind and your body. And really, most of the time, empty your mind and get into your body. So that you can really be creating from a place that is in full alignment with who you are, and taking you towards that life that you really want to be having. If you're not there already. So yeah, that's it. It is nutshell.

Julia Weigert  07:26

Awesome. I love how you put it, especially the connection between the body and the mind. And I would love for you to go a little bit more into what you just call these breakthrough moments. So we're had did you have these pivotal experiences in your self development journey where the exercises that you speak about have supported

Mary Clavieres  07:53

you. So there's a few things so generally, in terms of transformation, and kind of these life moments, I feel like there's two different categories. There's these big moments that of course, you remember, because they were just really big, like when you look back at your life, you're like, oh, this big thing happened over here. And that big thing happened over there, right? Like a more pivotal moment. And then I think the other changes are in the small, consistent incremental changes that we make over time. And, and sometimes people don't necessarily realize that, that is also helping to shape your future. Right. So I have both. So I have certain things that, you know, were like really big, say, like, like a stake in the ground, or like a marker that this happened, and it was an impact. And then I have other things that I've looked back and it's like, oh, wow, yeah, I've been putting that into practice for like, five, six months now. And it's really made such a difference in, in my mindset and how I approach my day. So maybe I'll share kind of in both in both respects, and they each drive each other, right, some of those big things can can have you realize some small changes that you want to make, or vice versa, some small changes lead to some big things. So where do I start? Well, I've had a few big realizations about the body, and how much the body takes on from our mind, right? Like how much it speaks to us, even if we're not really paying attention. So I've had a couple of, I'd say like health related things over the years, and this was more when I was in before I left my corporate job and then some of that early on time when I was under a lot of stress and pressure. Then again during COVID So I've had some things that come up. Like for example, when I was when I was getting ready to leave my corporate job. I woke up one morning and my whole jaw felt like it. Like, I felt like all my teeth were gonna fall out my jaw was in so much pain. No, it was, it was so disturbing, and I had to make an emergency dental appointment and who makes emergency dental appointments. But I guess you know if something happens, and you do that. So, and I went in, and basically he said that I was grinding my teeth very badly. And the cause of that, from what you know, I understand is was stress. So I was like, so worried about everything. And it was it was basically showing up through my body, right. And then another time early on during COVID. I got a rash all over my body. And I was like what is happening like what you know, and I again, I didn't really realize and of course, that was like a very strange and traumatizing time for everybody. And I went to the doctor and they said, Oh, yeah, this this type of rash, it looks like one that's related to stress. Right? So I've kind of I've had these points that I remember now and I can like pinpoint related to the body speaking to me, and how I was perhaps not really taking care of it or not really taking care of my mind in a way that it would react more positively to my body. And I've done a lot of work since then. And I actually. So from that jaw mouth incident, I used a mouth guard, I got a mouth guard and I had been using it for like, quite a few years now like six or seven years. And then last year, when you and I went on the trip to Egypt, so into Egypt, it was incredibly transformational in a lot of ways that Egypt's pilgrimage with Sara Leigh, and I stopped using my mouthguard, because I learned other practices to take care of my body a lot around body tapping, and I talk about this, even in the the seven day get unstuck. Like the free challenge. I talked about it there too. It's it's such an incredible, powerful tool that's so simple. All about energy management and yeah, body tapping to, to get out of the thoughts of your mind and into your body. And so yeah, Sarah had taught me about that. And I started practicing it. I had been practicing it on and off before, but this was another kind of pivotal point. So I guess what I'm saying is, there have been pivotal points for me where I realized something and it was like a challenge. And so it was a stake in the ground of like, oh, this is this is not good. You know, like the thing with my mouth, for example. And now years later, I'm coming kind of full circle to well, actually, I've learned so many things and changed so many things about my life that it's working in such a better way. And I have these new tools that I don't need that mouthguard because I have these other tools to manage my stress and pay attention to my energy and how I move about the day. And I suppose the small change, the incremental change that goes with that. See, this is great, because I didn't know what story I would talk about. And this is what's coming. That the small change. And I've mentioned this before on the podcast a bunch of times, is going for walks, I basically go for a walk daily, now a walk in nature. And it has shifted so much of my perspective. And it it grounds me in a way I almost can't even explain it but just brings me such clarity and such calm and peace and connection to myself. And that change which I wasn't expecting. I was just like, let me just get outside a little bit. Let me get some sun and let me just you know, and but over time, I came to really crave that time. So now I go basically every single day. And I think that's an incremental thing that has also supported the shift for me that supported me to have the body tapping to also help the walking to support and also help and nice things are keeping me more grounded and keeping me in a way that my mind is not running the way it was running before. And I yeah, I just think I mean, we run around with a lot of stress. And it's almost like our society and culture wants us to stay stressed and overworked and just get up, go through the motions, go to bed, rinse repeat kind of thing, you know. And so all of these things, for me personally are showing me there's a different way to approach all of this if you're willing to be open and try different things.

Julia Weigert  14:56

Definitely. Thank you Wow, thank you for sharing these intimate moments with us and the audience. And I also love that you just surrender to the flow of what's coming. I know that you're a big fan of you always talk about the balance of the structure and the flow. So I very much love that you're in surrender to that right now.

Mary Clavieres  15:21

Yeah, yeah, I'm really trying. It's a it's a new thing that I'm embracing. And actually another part of that with the mouthguard story. It's a surrender and flow kind of thing. Because there was that one night in Egypt where the boat got stuck, and we couldn't return to the boat. So I'll shortly explain for for anyone listening that. Basically, one of the days, we went out to an event later in the day, and our boat had already been stuck, it was stuck in the Nile, like on a sand dune. And we took our things just to go for that evening to a site visit. While we were there, I guess they realized that the boat was still going to be stuck. And we weren't, they weren't going to let us go back to the boat for safety reasons we couldn't stay on the boat. While it was stuck overnight. So we didn't have any of our stuff with us. And I didn't have my mouth guard. And I always have my mouth guard everywhere. Like always, I, I pack it in my purse and my carry on. Because I don't want it to get lost in the suitcase kind of thing. Right? Like, that's how much I always had my mouth guard. And so here we are, like stuck and can't go on the boat. And key again, are things and I don't have my mouth guard. I'm like, oh my god, what am I gonna do? I don't have my mouth guard. And I just realized I'm like, okay, and we had just learned some of the body tapping stuff the day before. And I was like, okay, you know what, yeah, I'm embracing the body tapping. And I'm going to try it. And I'm going to see if that helps me to release some of that stress some of that pressure, some of that anxiety of not having the mouthguard. Right, and see if it helps. And it did. And then I also realized, Oh, my life is so different now than it was when I needed that mouthguard. Right. I was in such a Yeah, such a different place. So. So yeah, that was also the flow. So being in that flow and having to surrender to that. And then I said, You know what, I made it one night without this mouthguard? What would it look like if I keep doing that? And then replacing it with body tapping. So not saying like, Oh, I'm just gonna give up the mouthguard and nothing, right. I needed something else to kind of replace that support. And when we got back, I did try sleeping with the mouthguard. And I did not have a good night's sleep, believe it or not. I didn't know how to sign. Yeah. And I was like, okay, that that showed me. You showed me mouthguard like I don't need you anymore.

Julia Weigert  18:02

That is so powerful. And you know, sometimes how even we are, let's say the mind gets attached to the tools that we have. Right? Yes. And then, like delving to the place where there is no other way, but surrender into something else. And then all of a sudden we find Oh, wow, it actually is possible.

Mary Clavieres  18:22

Exactly. I mean, I think before that I hadn't thought that. I mean, I just assumed I would have the mouthguard my whole life. Right? Like I, I had no reason to think otherwise. Because it just came such it became such a part of me and how I operated. And now I'm like, Hey, wait a minute. I'm not in the same work situation. I'm not in the same place in life. I have so much more joy and peace and abundance and you know, all of those things. And I'm like, Why? Why do I need that? But I couldn't think of that until it showed me you know a different way like Well, now you have to do without it. So what are you going to do? Yeah,

 Julia Weigert  19:01

yeah. I love it. And it's so funny that you're bringing this up because actually I just wanted to ask you if you want to go a little bit more in detail, either on Egypt or you know just the fact that how you see how a change of locations or traveling also because you move to France like you did this Egypt shock you also did another amazing trip last year, like very opening expanding trip to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe, right. So how do you feel that these experiences where we like really pushed beyond our boundaries? Like yeah, come come into play?

Mary Clavieres  19:42

Yeah, yeah, they definitely. Really, really push us. You're the tribal person. So what I love that you're also asking me this question. I, I mean, travel in any form, I think opens all of us in so many ways. As in, and I was used to traveling for work, I had to travel a lot for work in my corporate job over the years, but these types of trips, I mean, there's something else, they're really special. You're like signing up to know that your life is gonna totally change from the experiences there, right? So sometimes when you're in it, you're like, am I a glutton for punishment? It's like, because it feels so hard. But you're like, No, I really want this because I want to change and I want to shift and really expand. So it's kind of tricky. But yeah, France is a whole, whole different ballgame. I mean, doing that type of move, I felt ready for it in a lot of ways we had been coming to France every summer for vacation. Of course, I knew that living here would be different. But it has, it has changed so many things about my Outlook to be located and really living and, and trying to build a life and install yourself and integrate yourself into a different place. It's really, it's a very humbling experience, in a lot of ways. Because you don't have this foundational comfort of knowing what you've known your whole life type of thing, right. And I, I did a work assignment, I lived in Belgium for a couple of years when I was my late 20s. And still, I knew that was temporary. And I loved being there. And I considered staying longer. It didn't work out. So I went back to New Jersey. But it's still not the same as really like, doing all the things right, getting all the French papers, getting all of the insurance and health care and driving stuff like getting all of those things sorted. It's just a whole different, whole different level layered on top of that is the language and trying to make friends as an adult. And I can speak French, so I'm making friends in French, but I still don't feel that I can't express myself at the same speed or in the same way as I can in English, obviously. Yeah. So. Yeah. I mean, that's, I mean, I don't know if I'm digressing from your question. But it's, it's transformation on so many levels. And it's, it has really forced me to show up for myself in a different way, show up for my family in a different way. And it shows you so many different things about yourself, like how you move through the world, and being reliant on other people for things and not always understanding. And I've traveled places where I also, you know, don't know the language at all. But again, living somewhere different for a longer amount of time, and not knowing the language, for example, or not. You know, I mean, I remember the first time I made a phone call to order pizza, because I was like, my heart was racing. And I was like, sweating. And I was like, Is this person gonna understand my accent while I'm trying to order pizza and you know, communicating on the phone is so, so different than in person? So, yeah, it's weird, the things that you remember. But it really, yeah, it really also changes your outlook. And I have such a new appreciation, honestly, for anyone living in the United States that is not from the United States. Because, and it's it's not a, it's not a blanket to say it's all of this or none of that or anything. But I think the US is just so big that, you know, and English is all around us. And if I were to move back, I would look at how I interact with people with foreigners and expats that are that are not from the US that are making their life there, I would interact with them so differently, not that I, I mean, I, I've always had an understanding and appreciation for people and languages and all of these things, but it's it, there's just another layer, I don't know how to explain but there's just another layer of like, it's amazing that you've come here and that you're, you're trying to integrate and it's not necessarily always the most supportive place, you know, so, I mean, there's beauty in it, too. So again, it's not a blanket statement, but it's, I just see things differently from these types of transformations.

Julia Weigert  24:29

Of course, because you have been in like you're in your own experience in a way and I guess that gives you another layer of being in it and like really understanding from an embodied point of view whether just being accounter hired who was like seeing it, or witnessing it but has never been in the same situation or similar situation.

Mary Clavieres  24:52

Yeah, exactly. It's a lived experience for me now in a different way. And even with my you know, We've talked about human design a couple of times, I've talked about it on the podcast, but even with my three, five profile, it's all about the trial and error process, and living the experiences. And you know, it was like, oh, yeah, that tracks for me, you know. So it's it, it makes a big difference when I have that experience myself, because then it's something that that I can relate to, and put my arms around in a way. Yeah. That's

Julia Weigert  25:25

interesting. Honestly, to me, sometimes the trial and error feels a little bit frustrating, or I feel that I'm like, not getting where I want to be. Fast. Enough of that makes sense. So can you speak a little bit how you experienced that? And what what does it show you? It sounds like it's even more like a playfulness.

Mary Clavieres  25:46

Oh, yeah. So do you have a three in your profile? 251313? Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, I mean, most of the time, it's really annoying, isn't it? That's super annoying. When I first found out about it, I was like, Yeah, this seems to be what happens for me. And also, it's annoying. Yeah, so. So the three the trial and error, it's all about doing different things. And it's really about taking the lessons from those things, and not looking at it as failure. And from someone that I would self proclaim, I'm a recovering perfectionist, that that's really hard, it's really hard to not look at things as a failure if they don't work the way you want them to work or to embrace the learning of them. But I've come a long way with that. And I just realized that you know, what all of these different things that I've been doing all of these years, are all bringing me to this point for what I'm meant to do right now. And actually, it really actually ties in to this stuff, that what we're talking about now for the podcast, because things like leaving my corporate job, or starting a product business, or running a membership community and programs, or moving to France and finding more of myself, and being more connected with my family in a way that I couldn't have been before. All of these things are part of what's allowing me now, too, and giving me the interest in everything in speaking about all of this and, and supporting other people with, with the mind stuff with the body stuff with this connection to themselves and finding more of what they want in their life. So all of this trial and error has brought me to this point. And I started looking at it more from a viewpoint of appreciation. Honestly, in the beginning, I was kind of like, you know, for a lot of years, I was like, Oh, well, I did that. Now I'm doing this. Now I'm doing that. And I'm never consistent with one thing and this and that. And it's like, you know what, not everyone's going to be consistent and know that or one thing. Mine is much more that I'm trying this, I'm trying that I'm trying this over here, I'm trying that over there. And all of its going to come together in a different way that maybe I can't see right now, but make sense for me. And actually, I feel like that's really where I am with things right now. Because, yeah, it's just where I'm on my path. But it takes a while to get used to that and to embrace it. And so what I've been doing is just is embracing it and trusting and appreciating and seeing the value of the three, you know, of the of the person that has to do a lot of trial and error, because you could also look at it that by me doing my trial and error, I can support you and getting to where you want to go faster, right? Because I've seen things that work and don't work with whatever it is. And it could be the same for you too. It's all about taking the shortcuts. So now, even though even though the road seems very long, okay. My road seemed long, but now here I am with information that could very much be viewed as a shortcut. Because it's like, Hey, these are the best pieces of all these different things. Right.

Julia Weigert  29:13

That is such a great viewpoint. And I also feel it brings things into perspective going back to you know, the unstuck challenge that you're running, because, yeah, it just like shifts completely the perspective on how how we look at the things that we do, or that we try. So that's great. Thank you for sharing it. Yeah.

Mary Clavieres  29:37

I think a lot of times people think they have to go through these really deep, big, Pivotal transformational experiences to experience a big shift. And those are great and yes, it does happen. And even with my travel or moving here or something. All of these things have their time and place and space and everything and they serve their purpose. And also, it could be something that seems really small. And one sentence or phrase or one tool or one different thing about how you choose to look about your day can also massively shift your experience massively give you a transformation that that you weren't expecting. So you never know where it's going to come from. You just have to kind of be ready and ready and open for it.

Julia Weigert  30:33

That is so true. Definitely. I would definitely sign that word. So. So you've talked about so many, like pivotal moments in your journey, and I can feel how that that framework that almost Yeah, I was birthed and created out of these, the secret recipe of like trial and error, but then also these magical, magical ingredients, magical tool. Why do you believe that it is such a game changer for many, especially at this time?

Mary Clavieres  31:12

Well, personally, I feel like the world is changing. I mean, the world has always been changing, but it's changing at a faster speed now. And I think more people are realizing and paying attention to the fact that they don't have to do things the way they've always been done. And, yeah, they don't, they don't have to stay in jobs, they don't have to stay in relationships, they don't have to stay in places that don't feel right to them. And sometimes people just need a little more support with how they do that, or how they see that. Or maybe, maybe they can't do a big move, for example. I mean, even even for my big move, it was related to my husband's job, even though I think it has also served me well in so many ways. But even if you can't do a big move, or you can't get out of the place that you're in, but you know, you want to make a change. It's all about your perspective, and the choices that you make in a way. And I just think it's time that more people are tired of not feeling happy in their lives, not feeling content, not feeling like what they're doing is really making a difference, or they're overwhelmed. And they're feeling like they're going through the motions, or they want to see something different in their life, whatever that is. And I just think it's time on a lot of levels, not just for not just for me with this program and the work I'm doing now. But I think for everybody in their own way, showing the work that they're doing even you showing your work through sacred travel and having these types of experiences or any of our friends that are that are also doing their own thing. You know, I just think it's an important way to offer support to people that are earlier on in the journey, so that they can unlock those doors for themselves. Perhaps a little bit faster.

Julia Weigert  33:19

Yeah, and that's definitely something that is so needed these days. Yeah. I was just listening to a to an astrology forecast for the next three weeks only. And it feels like, feels like this. Like the the most of the shifts that can happen are like happening now in this eclipse portal and also with some other like major planets aligning. And so they say that, yeah, the world and the hearts of people are really cracking open. Right. And so it's also about the journey, like from the mind into the heart.

Mary Clavieres  33:57

Yes, yes, exactly. That's exactly it. And it's an it's a process and at certain times, and in certain ways, you know, people will feel that for themselves. They'll feel when they're ready to make a certain change. It's it's all about really being aware for yourself and empowering yourself to make decisions that are aligned for you. And I think a lot of the times, people, they don't believe they have that power for themselves. I know I didn't for a long time. But you start making different choices. You start trying new things, and you see what works for you.  

Julia Weigert  34:35

yeah. So give us a little taster of what the program is like, what can people get from it?

Mary Clavieres  34:43

Oh, yeah. So lots of things. Yeah. But what it's really about is, yeah, basically walking through the framework in more detail. So I have the seven day challenge around getting unstuck, getting more alignment in your life. You It's an email series, I'll put the links in the show notes, people can sign up for that it's on the resources page of Mary clavieres.com. And then the other piece is we I basically go deeper into each of those things. And it follows through with the months. And what else do I want to say? Yeah, so basically, we go deeper into each of the parts of self assessment, and where you are right now, with things and what you want to look different and what those intentions are. And then getting into the mind and which places are keeping you stuck. And what is your mind telling you. And there's different practices and tools for each of these things, right, because, and, again, it's not one size fits all. So I provide a bunch of different tools, and then you pick and choose and tests and try the ones that you want and find what works for you. And then the same thing the following month, with the body, all about different tools to get you back into your body, and how that impacts you and shifts things for you. And then more around the integration, the connection to yourself, again, kind of like just moving through each of these waves, each of these pieces in a meaningful way with my support. So what's the difference with the program? It's my support and my teachings, and me sharing these things in much more detail. So it's right now I have it as a 16 week program. So four months, it might, it might be five months, there might be like a bonus. Maybe it's not great that I'm not saying exactly that right now. But I think there's going to be a bonus like integration month, but it's really to get you tools and to share with you in again, not that it's a race or it's about speed, but in a little bit of a faster way, some of those shortcuts instead of you having to go look everywhere for all the different things right, yeah. But going through this process of what's for you, what's happening in your mind, what's happening in your body? How do you integrate it all? And then that's a process you can repeat over and over and over again for yourself. So yeah, I personally think it's very powerful. But that's me.

Julia Weigert  37:10

I love it. Thank you, you know, the way that I see it when you explained it was that it's it's a huge buffet. And like you are, you're providing that buffet, and people can just like come at that one stop shop and like, just pick and choose what they want. So it sounds like something really, really great. Thank you for this beautiful offer. Yeah.

Mary Clavieres  37:29

Oh, thank you. Yeah, that's such a great way to put it. Yeah, exactly. It's like, all of the different things that I've tried all of that three. And like here, here, it all is all wrapped up. Because it's all the stuff that I love to talk about. And I find interesting and has supported me so much. And I just Yeah, I'd love to support others with it. So I'm really excited. Awesome.

Julia Weigert  37:53

I'm excited too. And also just making a little side note here that if people want to get a teaser, but a bigger teaser than we just did, they can listen to the previous episode where you talk about the framework, and now about a few different steps.

Mary Clavieres  38:08

Yes, yes. Julia, you are so onpoint. Yeah, thank you for that reminder. Yeah, I think it will be. It will be two episodes back from this one. I would I can pull up. I can pull up the number and see for sure. But yeah, basically, you can go back and you can see the the episode where I talked about the seven step framework. And it's that whole episode, Episode 60. So you can go back and listen to that you can grab the email series on the free resources page, and just see and just start playing with it for yourself, try things on and see what works for you. And what doesn't, it's all about this life is all about exploring. It's all about unraveling. Probably a lot of the conditions and beliefs that we've that we grew up with, in a way and and looking deeper and finding out more about our true being and our true selves so that we can really live the life we came here to live. That's what I really want more people to be doing. And it's totally possible. So

Julia Weigert  39:16

yeah, it's totally possible. Yeah. Thank you.

Mary Clavieres  39:22

Thank you so much. See, those are great questions. I'm so glad we didn't prepare it in advance. This is me practicing my self projected projector-ness. Yeah. And talking about things like trusting my voice and what's going to come out at that time. So yeah, thank you so much for doing this with me.

Julia Weigert  39:46

Absolutely. It was my pleasure. But I just I just want to ask as a final question, if there's anything else that you haven't shared about that you would still like to speak into Yeah,

Mary Clavieres  40:00

What I really want to say is I'm so grateful for this life. I'm so grateful for these opportunities. I'm so grateful for each and every person that listens to this podcast. Especially at times when I wonder if anyone listens. And it has such a deep impact for me that does not go unnoticed. So, yeah, gratitude to everyone listening and wherever you are in your journey. Yeah, I'm thinking about you. And I hope that something from today, support you with where you are, and with where you're going. And yeah, I just have so much love. So thank you.

Julia Weigert  40:40

Thank you. These are such beautiful words for the end. And thank you also, I mean, I know that for to me, you have been such a great example of bringing the body and the mind into coherence. And you were you were that person, especially in on the trip to Egypt that like always, just did it. So constantly. Like, oh, man is doing it. Okay, I'm gonna be doing too. Sometimes we just forget right? And then so that was a great reminder and a great mirror. So thank you for sharing all of that wisdom, especially also these these intimate shares today. And that episode.

Mary Clavieres  41:23

Thank you so much, Julie. I so appreciate you doing this. I appreciate the questions and the feedback and the reflections and I love you so much.

Julia Weigert  41:32

So really, thank you so much. My pleasure.

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#63: The Power of Your Mind (The Power Series)


#61: Intentions, Energy, and Showing Up When Life Feels Hard with Elizabeth Guilbeault