#64: What Is Your Body Telling You (The Power Series)

Welcome to the Power Series. Last week we spoke about the Power of Your Mind and now we’re diving into the Power of Your Body. Your body has so much incredible wisdom and is speaking to you ALL THE TIME, whether you realize it or not. When you pay attention to this wisdom you become more in control of your life. You stop your mind from running the show and get connected to more of who you really are (more to come on that..).

This series explores three different parts of you that make up personal transformation. Whether you’re going through a life change (marriage, divorce, health, etc) or a career shift (job loss, new job, etc), a big piece of your own personal growth is happening. 

As you uncover these parts of you, discover new things about yourself, peel back the layers of your life and how your journey has unfolded, you'll start to see these different pieces of yourself come out. I really believe that all three of these together make up your nature. They really guide and inform what you are here to do and how you move through the world. How you become the leader of your own life. It's really part of your inner compass.

Tune in to this series to learn more about how you can identify where you’re at and shift to lead a life with more possibility, joy and fulfillment - in whatever way feels best to YOU. 

Find Mary here:

Want to get unstuck, take action and find more alignment in your life? Join the free 7 Days to Get Unstuck Challenge here

If you’d like to work on your transformation process with personalized support, I invite you to my upcoming 16 week group experience. Learn more here.

Episode Transcript

Hello, and welcome to Change from Within. I'm your host, Mary Clavieres. This podcast is here to help you uncover your unique path to living your most aligned to life.

Last week I kicked off a new series where we're delving into three different parts of yourself. We covered the mind to last week. So if you haven't listened to that episode you can check that out here.

Today we’re talking about the body. I've been obsessed lately, and for the last while, on bodywork in different ways, especially when it comes to energy and understanding how energy is stored in our bodies. I really believe that our bodies store energy, they store emotions, and thoughts and beliefs in different ways. It has a huge impact on how you move about the world.

The body is the second part in this series and it's tied to living a more aligned life. Reminder, I have the 7 Days to Get Unstuck Challenge that you can grab that here. Also, my upcoming program Change from Within, will go into much deeper levels of each of these subject areas to really support you with your personal transformation.  

What we’re seeing a lot in society now is that we really are tuning in less to our bodies, not more. In certain circles, you will see people paying attention more, maybe in more natural or holistic circles, but I'd say a large majority of us on the planet are not so in tune. There are so many other things that go into this including what we eat, how we live, our habits and patterns, etc. This isn't to debate any of that or to go into any of that at all. It's really about what I've seen in terms of the impact that it has on our bodies.

I really believe that all of our bodies are different in so many ways. I've learned a lot about this also through body exercises, human design and the differences in people and energy centers. It's really interesting because what might work for one body type might not work for another one. And you may know that already based on diet, or the way you exercise or those kinds of things. You can see it within families or across groups of friends. But I'm sharing this here because the other piece of it is learning about what we store in our bodies, how we store it, and do we ever release it. You may have had certain experiences that have come up for you that have been very traumatic, or if you had an accident, and needed to go to physical therapy for your recovery. You may already have a better idea around this if you've experienced that.

This is about really understanding that shock and trauma and all of these things can sit in our bodies. And a lot of the times if you're not really paying attention to it, you never really work on releasing it. It just kind of sits there and over time you get pains or cramps. In my case, under very stressful circumstances I developed a rash all over my body. I shared more about this in a podcast episode recently on the behind the scenes of my personal transformation. I shared about using a mouthguard towards the end of when I was leaving my corporate job. I woke up one day with so much pain in my mouth that I felt like all my teeth were falling out and I had to go to the dentist and he said I was grinding so heavily at night that I had to get a mouthguard. I wore it for so many years. And I only just recently in at the end of 2023 stopped using it and it's because of the time that I've put into this bodywork and put into exercises and learning about all what all that means. So I personally think for my example, that it helped me a lot. It helped to do exercises like body tapping as well as other forms of movement, also getting more connected to myself going out in nature, taking my daily walks. All of these things combined help me to not have to use my mouth guard anymore. This can seem really small, but for me felt very big.  

If you look at certain parts of your life, or certain things, that you've had chronic pain with a certain part of your body – I'm not a doctor, this is not medical advice – but I'm sharing that there may be things that you want to explore or be open to, in terms of energetic work, and seeing what you can release and seeing if there's ways that you can release it.

The other part of it that is very important and helpful is that body work helps you to get out of your mind. That’s how we're connecting it to last week's episode. Your mind has all these thoughts, it can cause a lot of stress, which then gets taken out on the body. Our bodies are so intuitive. They know right away, they know from their instinct, they know from their fight or flight and any of those response systems, they know a lot of things. 

Over time, we sometimes like shove it down and don't pay attention to it. I've done that myself. Or, as I quieted my voice over the years, I also blocked out anything related to it, even if it didn't feel good, right, and then the symptoms show up in the body.

So it's a really important piece, as you're looking to transform as you're looking to lead your life in the way that you want to lead it being in your highest alignment. Perhaps you're leading at work or you're leading at home as well. When you want to lead yourself through this growth phase, you're going to want to use tools to quiet your mind.

The mind is always there so working with the body is a version of quieting it. It’s about just getting out of your head, getting out of your mind and into your body. Because your body is that next layer that knows so much. That is really the one to direct more than your mind.

When you have those two next to each other, you want your body directing, not your mind, because your body is like your body wisdom is what's really getting to you at a cellular level. I don't know a better way to really explain it. And maybe I'm on the verge of woo things. But I mean, there's even scientists studying all of this and the impact that our mind has on our body, the and how things show up and people that have healed from diseases and all those kinds of things.

All of it to say that when so the first part is paying attention to your thoughts, paying attention to your mind, and seeing what that is saying. As you start to observe that and get a handle on it. The next part is getting out of your mind and into your body. So you want to replace as many of those mind thoughts as you can. But then you want to get into your body. You want to let your innate being and your truer energy from your body wisdom come through, instead of your mind.

I don't know about your mind. My mind always wants to overthink everything all the time. Always overthinking in a million different ways. And I think sometimes my husband looks at me and, his head hurts just looking at how much I’m overthinking and over processing this whole scenario right now.  

The body work has been something that's been really powerful in terms of getting out of getting out of my mind and into my body so that I let more of my true or form more of that innate wisdom come out of me. And allow that to direct where I'm going.

Some great tools are:

  • Body tapping

  • Yoga (I love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube)

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Walking in nature

These activities help you to change your state and flip a switch in your brain to get some of that to quiet down so that you can really hear and feel into your true self.

This is a really powerful part of the body work, about managing your energy, and being able to move through the world in a different way. It really changes the way you move through the world. It's wild, and also true.  

Pay attention to your body. Ask yourself:

  • What can I do to listen more to my body?

  • Do I have pain or stress that always shows up in a certain part of my body?

  • How can I get out of my mind and into my body?

At the end of the day, if you're living in alignment, if you're really your true to yourself, doing what you came here to do, then you're not letting the mind run the show. You really aren't. That's not how it works. So what can you do to get yourself more into the body?

Next week, we'll talk about, like the last layer of that.

I'm so excited for you to try all this. It's really, it's really so transformational. That’s it for today with the body. If you have any questions, let me know.

Again, I invite you to check out these resources:

7 Days to Get Unstuck Challenge

It's really wonderful. It will take you through one day at a time in more detail on all the steps. 

If you want to go even deeper with that, and if you want more support, and guidance and mentorship along the journey, then I invite you to check out the Change from Within Group Experience, which is a 16 week container that goes deeper into each of these themes as the weeks go on. It's a really beautiful container.

I hope you found this helpful for wherever you are on your journey. I'm so excited for you and whatever is next in what you have going on.

Thank you again so much for listening and I'll talk to you next week.


#65: Are you connected to your highest self? (The Power Series)


#63: The Power of Your Mind (The Power Series)