#65: Are you connected to your highest self? (The Power Series)

Welcome to the Power Series. We spoke about the Power of Your Mind and the Power of Your Body. Now we’re diving into the Power of Your Inner Knowing. Are you connected to your Highest Self? The connection to your Highest Self (spirit, soul, inner knowing, whatever else you’d like to call it..) is your inner compass. It is what guides your true self. It is who you are deep down, who you came here to be and it knows what you truly desire. This week we’re talking about how you connect to this inner knowing and how you work with it to inform where you go in your life. 

This series explores three different parts of you that make up personal transformation. Whether you’re going through a life change (marriage, divorce, health, etc) or a career shift (job loss, new job, etc), a big piece of your own personal growth is happening. 

As you uncover these parts of you, discover new things about yourself, peel back the layers of your life and how your journey has unfolded, you'll start to see these different pieces of yourself come out. I really believe that all three of these together make up your nature. They really guide and inform what you are here to do and how you move through the world. How you become the leader of your own life. It's really part of your inner compass.

Tune in to this series to learn more about how you can identify where you’re at and shift to lead a life with more possibility, joy and fulfillment - in whatever way feels best to YOU. 

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Want to get unstuck, take action and find more alignment in your life? Join the free 7 Days to Get Unstuck Challenge here

If you’d like to work on your transformation process with personalized support, I invite you to my upcoming 16 week group experience. Learn more here.

Episode Transcript

Hello, and welcome to change from within. I'm your host, Mary Clavieres. This podcast is here to help you uncover your unique path to living your most aligned life.

We are in part three of a three part series, I might make a fourth episode, actually, I said that and I might make a fourth one, to kind of wrap everything up together in a different way. But in the meantime, this is part three of it.

The last two were about the mind and the body. So if you haven't listened to those, go check those out, they were the last two episodes released. And what I want to talk today about is the third part of all of this.

The first part was the mind and seeing how our thoughts control things and observing what's happening there. The second part was the body, and diving deeper into body wisdom, looking at what the body is telling us and getting out of our minds and into the body. Today, I want to talk about the alignment with your higher self. You may call it higher self, spirit, soul, inner knowing, or something else. Whatever name you want to give it will work. That thing that is connected deep down inside of you, energetically, beyond the mind, and beyond the body.

This is the third part in leading in this way, leading yourself being the director of your life and creating more alignment in your life is through listening to this deep wisdom that's in your highest self, that's in your soul that's deep in your spirit. It is so intelligent. It knows what you came here to do. It knows where it wants to go in terms of alignment for you. And really, what I believe is that this is really the true driver of how you get to your most aligned self - by listening to this voice in you. It's not the mind. The mind can get you places, but it's not going to feel in alignment in the same way. Getting out of the mind and into the body teaches you the body wisdom that helps to direct you. Then, the next layer down as you empty out your mind, and empty out your body is that you hear the speaking from this voice that is really in you. This is what's guiding your life. This is what wants to guide your life if you let it. 

A lot of the times, it's much easier to have the mind guide and pay attention to the body when something hurts or when something is wrong. But if you are proactive with how you move through these three layers, it's such a transformational shift.

This is about how can you connect down to that deeper layer?

How can you connect to that voice and really listen and trust in that voice?

You've probably had a time in your life that you can pinpoint where you heard that voice inside of you. It was some type of instinct, some type of knowing. And whether or not you listen to it in that moment is a whole different story.

I actually grew up with a lot of stories from my dad about his instincts and his inner knowings. He has shared a lot over the years that really shaped me and shaped how I understand and view this type of work. It's only now in my later years as I'm pulling back the layers on my own life and looking at things through a different lens and studying things more that I can see things in a different way. I can see what that instinct does and how it really serves you and supports you and your highest good.

It's here to protect you and keep you safe and also keep you directionally in alignment. If you listen to it. That's what I really believe.

Do you know you have this voice and are you listening to it?

Are you allowing it to come through?

A lot of what you have to do is allow it to come through. It can be hard. I'm not going to negate that. And it can take time and practice to get to it. But it's really about seeing if you can put the ego aside. Can you tell the ego thanks for visiting, but we're not listening to you right now ego, we are listening deeper down to the truer self, because it knows.

Some practices that I have found really helpful for getting to this place and feeling this connection more deeply are below.

These can (and will) look different for different people. So this is not one size fits all. I will never say that to you. You know this is really about finding what works for you, what feels good to you and trusting in that.

For me, it's my walks in nature.

It's also yoga, and being more connected to my body.

It's also a gratitude practice. It really is. I know that gets thrown around a lot. But really looking at everything that you're grateful for. And when you wake up each day, looking at all of these things that you are blessed with. We are all blessed with so many things, whether we're able to see that or not. It’s really about paying attention to those things and seeing where are the places that I feel grateful, what am I grateful. I’m grateful that I have a healthy body, I have my fingers and toes, I have my eyesight, etc.

Whatever those things are for you, the more you can look at the detailed things that you're grateful for. Being able to walk, being able to speak, having a home and food and all of these things. There are so many layers to it. When you have heart bursting gratitude, it really connects you to a different layer of an a different level of love.

It's such a deep level of love that I hadn't experienced before, because I hadn't paid so much attention to my gratitude in the past. But I'm telling you, when you connect to that deep well you feel so much from it. You can feel that connection and knowing that you are not alone.

Here, you're never alone. You're always guided and protected in some way. And we are really all connected.

I really personally believe we're all we're all connected, we are each our own unique puzzle piece. But we make up this tapestry or this global puzzle that all fits together.

Really understanding that connection, the more that you can get to that voice within yourself, the more that you can understand it, recognize, start to listen to it, and the more you pay attention to it, the more things will start to unlock for you. The more opportunities will come that are in alignment.

To do things to be able to follow that joy, to follow those feelings, the driver of everything for your alignment, and your leadership.

Having self-sovereignty over your own life happens by listening to that inner knowing, and going with those feelings that feel most aligned for you. Follow the things that give you the most joy and the most fulfillment. This process is not meant to be a drag. It's not meant to be hard. It's not meant to feel like you’re pushing a boulder up the hill.

I understand life feels like that sometimes, we have the seasons, and not everything is easy because we are here to have all these different human experiences. Yes to all of that. When you really look at your direction and listen to your knowing about what the right direction is for you you’ll know what’s right. If you're not sure it's because you're in your mind. When you're really connected to your inner knowing, you’ll know and it will be associated with feelings that are for the highest good, for the highest timeline, and filled with the most joy. That's the direction it wants to be going. It doesn't want to drive you into a ditch, okay? It wants to take you somewhere good.  

Then the questions back to you become…

Are you listening to that voice? 

Do you have access to that voice at all right now or do you need to do the mind and body work first?  

Either way is completely fine. I need to do mind and body work on a regular basis. We all do really, its never a finished process. I have an engineering background and I’ve always been very technical and logical, especially with my years of working in the pharmaceutical industry for corporate America.

What I’m saying is, there was a lot that I had to undo to become more open and connected to that part of myself and that voice.

I remember that voice came to me once when I was in my corporate job. I can picture exactly where I was, walking down the hallway, and that voice was asking me…

Is this it? Is this all there is?

I knew the answer was no. I will never forget that moment. I had other little glimpses like that over the years, but as I've been doing this work, I've been connecting more and more to it. So now I can see it more, I can feel it more, and I pay more attention to it. It comes in all kinds of ways and it's really about how often can you stay connected to that, instead of being in your mind.

You've probably had those experiences with those voices in your past. Now it's about digging deeper, and uncovering it in ways that allow you to be more connected with it so that you can find those things that are most fulfilling to you, so that you can find those ways that you will be most in alignment and finding the most joy in your life, because we're not meant to be here to be miserable.

I know there are a lot of people suffering right now. It isn’t to negate that. I'm talking about if you're getting up and going to work and clocking in and clocking out and waiting for your day to be done for whatever the reason is… there's more joy to life than that. You can find it for yourself, but only you can find it for yourself. Someone else isn't going to be able to tell you that because it's your own unique being, your own unique puzzle piece, that is here and that has a specific path and knowing of what will bring you joy of what will feel best to you.

What I'm asking you to do here is honor that and start paying attention to it because that's what's going to unlock so many more doors for you in your life with getting to wherever it is that you want to get to. It's so powerful.

I'm really rooting for you, I'm cheering you on to find this place within yourself to start some of this work in whatever incremental ways you can start it, to pay attention, and to be open and curious to a new way of being and a new process that's really going to get you somewhere different. It might be totally different from where you are right now, if you want to be somewhere so totally different. Or also it might end up being somewhere that you never expected to be.

I definitely didn't even expect to be living in France. I mean, part of me sometimes thought, okay, maybe it's a possibility one day since my husband is French, but that's not the same thing as actually doing it. Actually moving here, actually going through all the paperwork, and realizing that I need to switch languages to go order pizza or go to the bakery. But here we are! It's such a process in a lot of ways and I won't go on about that right now, but start paying attention to it.

See where you can really connect to it, see what works for you to be able to listen to your internal compass. When you can shift ever so slightly, or in big ways things will move to get to where you really want to be and to feel more aligned in whatever part of your life that might feel off right now. Whether it's work related, or home related or something else, okay. It's a process. It's a journey. I'm here with you.

If you ever have any questions feel free to reach out.

You can check out the 7 Days to Get Unstuck Challenge here

If you're curious and you want to go deeper with this work, I invite you to check out the Lead from Within program. You can find more details here.

Whenever and wherever you're ready and want support in a different way, feel free to reach out.

Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I'm so happy you're here. So, so grateful for you and I hope you have a great rest of your week. Talk to you soon.


#66: How to Get the Results You Want in Your Life (The Power Series)


#64: What Is Your Body Telling You (The Power Series)